2018 Ramadan Campaign

Ramadan signifies reflection, spiritual growth, compassion and charity. It is also a Blessed Month to share our food with family, friends, neighbours and less fortunate communities across the globe.

The Sirius College Pastoral Care Department is working with the Australian Relief Organisation (ARO) who has been running Ramadan Campaigns since 2013 and provided iftar dinners and food packs to 33,000 locals in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea so far.

To encourage the students, the Pastoral Care department provides an opportunity to Year 10-12 students to visit Cambodia and Vietnam to help distribute the food packs every year.

The student who collects the most donations will join the trip for free (minimum amount of donations collected should be $1500).

To Donate

We invite you to share food with needy communities across Asia Pacific. Iftars are valued at $7 per person and food packs are valued at $35 per food pack.

Parents can return the donation letters that was distributed to students. Alternatively, you may use the following link below for online donations and bank transfers

For online donations, please include EMS and your daughter’s name as a description.

This campaign will end on Fri, 25 May 2018.

Australian Relief Organisation & Sirius College Pastoral Care Department



In 2016, as part of Australian Relief Organisation’s Ramadan Campaign, I was given the opportunity to travel to Thailand.

On our first day, we stopped by the local Dar ul Ebadah Mosque to provide food pack donations to locals. We visited poverty stricken houses at that neighbourhood and observed the extreme poverty conditions that were challenging the locals. We explored the city centre and attend an iftar dinner at the Islamic Centre, which was sponsored by the donations. Later, food packs were provided to orphans as well as to the needy living around the orphanage. The pleasure and experience was indefinable. I would recommend everyone to take the opportunity and volunteer for the campaign.

Fatma Lelik
(Alumni 2017)